Artiklar, peer-reviewgranskade
Refereegranskade vetenskapliga artiklar
- 67. Nylander, E., Fejes, A., & Milana, M. (2022) Exploring the themes of the territory: Aa topic modelling approach to 40 years of publications in International Journal of Lifelong Education (1982–2021). International Journal of Lifelong Education. DOI: 10.1080/02601370.2021.2015636. OPEN ACCESS
- 66. Mufic, J & Fejes, A (2020): ‘Lack of quality’ in Swedish adult education: a policy study, Journal of Education Policy, DOI: 10.1080/02680939.2020.1817567. OPEN ACCESS
- 65. Fejes, A. & Dahlstedt, M. (2020) A place called home: The meaning(s) of popular education for newly arrived refugees. Studies in Continuing Education. Doi: 1080/0158037X.2020.1767563
- 64. Fejes, A., & Andersson, P. (In press) The world’s highest participation rate in adult education? The case of Sweden. Hessische Blätter.
- 63. Fejes, A., Aman, R., & Nyström, S. (2021) “Branding bildung” – Commodifying the uniqueness of popular education. Adult education quarterly, 71(2), 111-127. Doi: 10.1177/0741713620957944. OPEN ACCESS
- 62. Colliander, H. & Fejes, A. (2021) The re-emergence of Suggestopedia? Teaching a second language to adult migrants in Sweden. Language, culture and curriculum, 34(1), 51-64. Doi: 1080/07908318.2020.1767643. OPEN ACCESS
- 61. Holmqvist, D., Fejes, A., & Nylander, E. (2021) Auctioning out education: On exogenous privatisation through public procurement. European Educational Research Journal, 20(1), 102-117. Doi: 10.1177/1474904120953281. OPEN ACCESS
- 60. Fejes, A. & Dahlstedt, M. (2020) Language introduction as a space for the inclusion and exclusion of young asylum seekers in Sweden. International Journal of Qualitative research on Health and Well-being, 15, supp2. Doi: 10.1080/17482631.2020.1761196. OPEN ACCESS
- 59. Nyström, S., Dahlstedt, M., Fejes, A. & Mešić, N. (2020) Mobilising experiences of migration: On the relational work of study circle leaders with asylum seekers. European journal for research on the education and learning of adults, 11(3), 321-333. OPEN ACCESSS
- 57. Ruschkowski, A., Dahlstedt, M. & Fejes, A. (2019) Shaping the democratic, relational and reflective youth recreation leader. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 38(6), 632-643. Doi: 10.1080/02601370.2019.1691667. OPEN ACCESS.
- 56. Dahlstedt, M. & Fejes, A. (2019) Educating entrepreneurial citizens: A genealogy of entrepreneurship education in Sweden. Critical Studies in Education, 60(4), 462-476. doi:10.1080/17508487.2017.130352
- 55. Nedžad, M., Dahlstedt, M., Fejes, A. & Nyström, S. (2019) Use-Values for Inclusion: Mobilizing Resources in Popular Education for Newly Arrived Refugees in Sweden. Social Inclusion, 7(2), 85-95. DOI: 10.17645/si.v7i2.197156. OPEN ACCESS.
- 54. Fejes, A., Nylund, M., & Wallin, J. (2019) How do teachers interpret and transform entrepreneurship education. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 51(4), 554-566. OPEN ACCESS
- 53. Fejes, A. (2019) Adult education and the fostering of asylum seekers into potential ‘full’ citizens. International Review of Education, 65(2), 233-250. OPEN ACCESS
- 52. Dahlstedt, M., & Fejes, A. (2019) Futures in line? Occupational choice among adult migrant students in Sweden. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 38(1), 76-87. OPEN ACCESS
- 51. Fejes, A. & Dahlstedt, M. (2018) Becoming the role model: youth recreational leaders, occupational choice and a will to include. Discourse: Studies in the cultural politics of education, 39(6), 901-912.
- 50. Fejes, A., Olson, M., Rahm, L., Dahlstedt, M., Sandberg, F. (2018) Individualisation in Swedish adult education and the shaping of neo-liberal subjectivities. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 62(3), 461-473.
- 49. Nylander, E., Österlund, L., & Fejes, A. (2018) Exploring the Adult Learning Research Field by Analysing Who Cites Whom. Vocations and learning, 11(1), 113-131. OPEN ACCESS
- 48. Olson, M., Dahlstedt, M., Fejes, A., Sandberg, F. (2018) The formation of the willing citizen: Tracing reactive nihilism in late capitalist adult education. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 50(1), 95-103.
- 47. Dahlstedt, M., Sandberg, F., Fejes, A., Olson, M. (2018) Dissonant futures: Occupational trajectories, gender and class in contemporary adult education. Journal of Education and Work, 31(1), 16-27.
- 46. Fejes, A. & Dahlstedt, M. (2017) Popular education, migration and a discourse on inclusion. Studies in the Education of Adults, 49(2), 214-227. Doi: 10.1080/02660830.2018.1463656 OPEN ACCESS
- 45. Dahlstedt, M., Fejes, A., Olson, M., Sandberg, F. & Rahm, L. (2017) Longing to belong: Stories of belonging in multi-ethnic Sweden. Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 7(4), 197-204. OPEN ACCESS
- 44. Fejes, A. & Nylander, E. (2017) The economy of publications and citations in education research: What about the “Anglophone bias”? Research in Education, 99(1), 19-30.
- 43. Åkerblom, E. & Fejes, A. (2017) Constructing a healthy, knowledgeable and well-educated citizen: Motivational interviews and physical activity on prescription. Studies in Continuing Education, 39(3), 320-332.
- 42. Rahm, L. & Fejes, A. (2017) Popular education and the digital citizen: A genealogical analysis. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 8(1), 21-36. OPEN ACCESS
- 41. Dahlstedt, M., Fejes, A., Olson, M., Rahm, L. & Sandberg, F. (2017) Medborgarskapandets paradoxer: Medborgarskapspositioneringar i berättelser om tillhörighet i migrationens tid. Sociologisk Forskning 54(1-2), 31-50.
- 40. Fejes, A., Runesdotter, C., Wärvik, G-B. (2016) Marketisation of adult education: principals as business leaders, standardised teachers and responsibilised students, 35(6), 664-681. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 35(6), 664-681.
- 39. Fejes, A. (2016) The confessing academic and living the present otherwise: appraisal interviews and logbooks in academia. European Educational Research Journal, 15(4), 395-409.
- 38. Sandberg, F., Fejes, A., Dahlstedt, M., & Olson, M. (2016) Adult education as a heterotopia of deviation: a dwelling for the abnormal citizen. Adult Education Quarterly, 66(2), 103-119.
- 37. Fejes, A. & Nylander, E. (2015) How pluralistic is the research field on adult education? Dominating bibliometrical trends, 2005-2012. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 6(2), 103-123. OPEN ACCESS
- 36. Olson, M., Fejes, A., Dahlstedt, M., & Nicoll, K. (2015). Citizenship discourses: Production and curriculum. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 36(7), 1036-1053. DOI: 10.1080/01425692.2014.883917
- 35. Rahm, L. & Fejes, A. (2015) Ubiquitous computing, digital failures and citizenship learning in swedish popular education. Citizenship Teaching & Learning, 10(2), 127-142.
- 34. Andersson, P. & Fejes, A. (2014) Svensk forskning om validering av vuxnas lärande – trender och tendenser. Pedagogisk Forskning i Sverige, Tema: Bedömning och dokumentation, 19 (4-5), 324–344. OPEN ACCESS
- 33. Fejes, A. & Nylander, E. (2014) The Anglophone International(e): A bibliometric analysis of three adult education journals, 2005–2012. Adult Education Quarterly 64(3), 222-239.
- 32. Dahlstedt, M. & Fejes, A. (2014) Family makeover: Coaching, confession and parental responsibilisation. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 22(2), 169-188. DOI: 10.1080/14681366.2013.812136
- 31. Fejes, A. & Köpsén, K. (2014) Vocational teachers’ identity formation through boundary crossing. Journal of Education and Work, 27(3), 265-283.
- 30. Fejes, A. & Nicoll, K. (2013) Perspectives internationales de la recherche en éducation et formation des adultes. Savoirs, 33(3), 117-133.
- 29. Nicoll, K., Fejes, A., Olson, M., Dahlstedt, M., & Biesta, G. (2013) Opening discourses of citizenship education: A theorization with Foucault. Journal of Education Policy, 28(6), 828-846..
- 28. Mbabazi, P., Fejes, A., & Dahlgren, L-O. (2013) A phenomenographic study of students’ conceptions of quality in learning in higher education in Rwanda. Studies in Continuing Education, 35(3), 337-350.
- 27. Fejes, A. & Haake, U. (2013) Caring and daring discourses at work: Doing gender through occupational choices in elderly care and police work. Vocations and Learning: Studies in vocational and professional education, 6(2), 281-295.
- 26. Andersson, P. & Fejes, A. (2012) Effects of recognition of prior learning as perceived by different stakeholders. Prior learning assessment inside out, 2(1).
- 25. Mbabazi, P., Dahlgren, L-O & Fejes, A. (2012) Students as learners through the eyes of their teachers in Rwandan higher education. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 31(4), 503-521.
- 24. Fejes, A. & Nicoll, K. (2011) Activating the worker in elderly care: A technique and tactics of invitation. Studies in Continuing Education, 33(3), 235-249.
- 23. Fejes, A. (2011) Confession, in-service training and reflective practices. British Educational Research Journal, 37(5), 797-812.
- 22. Nicoll, K. & Fejes, A. (2011) Lifelong learning: A pacification of ‘know how’. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 30(4), 403-417.
- 21. Dahlstedt, M. Fejes, A. & Schönning, E. (2011) The will to (de)liberate: Shaping governable citizens through cognitive behavioural programmes in school. Journal of Education Policy, 26(3), 399-414.
- 20. Fejes, A. & Nicoll, K. (2010) A Vocational Calling: Exploring a Caring Technology in Elderly Care. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 18(3), 353-370.
- 19. Fejes, A. (2010) Discourses on Employability: Constituting the Responsible Citizen. Studies in Continuing Education, 32(2), 89-102.
- 18. Fejes, A. & Berglund, G. (2010) Employability: Significant signs of the present. Arbetsmarknad och Arbetsliv, 16(2), 11-23.
- 17. Andersson, P. & Fejes, A. (2010) Mobility of knowledge as a recognition challenge – experiences from Sweden. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 29(2), 201-218.
- 16. Fejes, A. (2009) Idee Michela Foucault w badaniach nad edukacja doroslych i calozyciowym uczeniem sie, Teraźniejszość-Człowiek-Edukacja: kwartalnik myśli społeczno-pedagogicznej, 47(3), 25-47.
- 15. Dahlgren, L-O, Fejes, A, Abrandt-Dahlgren, M and Trowald, N. (2009) Grading systems, features of assessment and students’ approaches to learning. Teaching in Higher Education, 14(2), 185-194.
- 14. Fejes, A and Andersson, P. (2009) Recognising prior learning: Understanding the relation among experience, learning and recognition from a constructivist perspective. Vocations and Learning: Studies in Vocational and Professional Education, 2(1) 37-55
- 13. Fejes, A. (2008) To be ones own confessor: Educational guidance and governmentality. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 29(6), 653-664.
- 12. Fejes, A. (2008) Governing nursing through reflection: a discourse analysis of reflective practices. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 64(3), 243-250.
- 11. Fejes, A. (2008) Standardising Europe: The Bologna procesess and new modes of governing. Learning and Teaching: The International Journal of Higher Education in the Social Sciences (LATISS), 1(2), p. 25-49.
- 10. Fejes, A. (2008) What’s the use of Foucault in research on lifelong learning and post-compulsory education: a review of four academic journals. Studies in the education of adults, 40(1), p. 7-23
- 9. Fejes, A (2008) European citizens under construction – the Bologna process analysed from a governmentality perspective. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 40(4). p. 515-530.
- 8. Fejes, A & Andersson, P. (2007) Validering som styrningsteknik i svensk vuxenutbildningspolicy. Studies in Educational Policy and Educational Philosophy. E-tidskrift 2007:2.
- 7. Fejes, A (2006) The planetspeak discourse of lifelong learning in Sweden: What is an educable adult? Journal of Education policy, 21(6), p. 697-716.
- 6. Fejes, A (2006) The Bologna process – Governing higher education in Europe through standardisation. Revista Española de Educación Comparada, 12, 203-231 (Spanish Journal of Comparative Education)
- 5. Andersson, P & Fejes, A (2005) Recognition of prior learning as a technique for fabricating the adult learner: a genealogical analysis on Swedish adult education policy. Journal of Education Policy, 20(5), 595-613.
- 4. Dahlgren, L O & Fejes, A (2005) ECTS skalan: att mäta eller mota lärande? Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, 10 (1), 24-34. (ECTS – to measure or counteract learning?)
- 3. Fejes, A (2005) New wine in old skins: Changing patterns in the governing of the adult learner in Sweden. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 24 (1), 71-86.
- 2. Fejes, A, Johansson, K, Abrandt Dahlgren, M (2005) Learning to play the seminar game: Students' initial encounter with a basic working form in higher education. Teaching in Higher Education, 10 (1), 29-41.
- 1. Andersson, P, Fejes A, Ahn, S-E, (2004) Recognition of Prior Vocational Learning in Sweden, Studies in the Education of Adults, 36 (1), 57-71.
Editorials i vetenskapliga tidskrifter
- 10. Abrandt Dahlgren, M., Gustavsson, M. & Fejes, A. (2018) Special issue: professional practice, education and learning: a sociomaterial perspective. Studies in Continuing Education, 40(3), 239-241.
- 9. Merrill, B. & Fejes, A. (2018) Intersectionality and adult education. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 9(1), 7-11. OPEN ACCESS.
- 8. Fejes, A., & Salling Olesen, H. (2016) Editorial: Marketization and commodification of adult education. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 7(2), 146-150. OPEN ACCESS.
- 7. Shan, H. & Fejes, A. (2015) Skill regime in the context of globalization and migration, Studies in Continuing Education, 37(3), 227-235. DOI: 10.1080/0158037X.2015.1074895
- 6. Fejes, A. & Wildemeersch, D. (2015) Editorial: Cartographies of research on adult education and learning. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 6(2), 97-101. OPEN ACCESS.
- 5. Fejes, A. & Fragoso, A. (2015) Editorial: Open issue. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 6(1), 7-8. OPEN ACCESS.
- 4. Fejes, A. & Fragoso, A. (2014) Mapping power in adult education and learning. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 5(1), 7-11. OPEN ACCESS.
- 3. Fejes, A. & Nicoll, K. (2013) Editorial: Approaches to research on the education and learning of adults. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 4(1), 7-16. OPEN ACCESS
- 2. Andersson, P., Fejes, A., & Sandberg, F. (2013) Introducing research on recognition of prior learning. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 32(4), 405-411.
- 1. Fejes, A. & Salling Olesen, H. (2010) Envisioning future research on the education and learning of adults. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 1(1-2), 7-16. OPEN ACCESS.